It seems like surgical weight loss has become all the rage over recent years. In fact, it has gotten so popular recently that it often seems like you can't turn on the radio or television without hearing or seeing an ad for some facility somewhere that is offering "discounts" or "one-time" deals. Before you go rushing out to magically lose some weight, remember the old saying "If it sounds too god to be true, it probably is." Here is a little information about this type of surgery that can help you make a more informed decision.
- What is it? When it comes to surgical weight loss, there are several different types. One of the more common types, and one that has been around the longest, is liposuction. Another version of surgical weight loss that is becoming more and more popular is a type of restrictive surgery. This is basically where part of your stomach is closed off making you feel full when you eat sooner. Another type of surgery which is becoming more common is called malabsorptive surgery which shortens the small intestine, allowing less time for the food to be absorbed.
- Candi08/06/13s. While many people think that weight loss surgery is nothing more than cosmetic, the truth is that doctors are becoming more and more hesitant to perform these types of surgery unnecessarily. Due to this most ethical doctors will not perform the surgery on a patient unless they are at least 100 pounds overweight.
- Potential positive results. No one undergoes any type of surgery without getting some kind of benefit from it. The major benefits of undergoing these types of surgery will typically be weight loss (hence the name), and an improvement of other obesity related conditions. The weight loss will begin immediately after the surgery, and can continue for up to two years (24 months) afterward. There is clinical evidence that shows some obesity related conditions (such as blood sugar control issues) improve after receiving these kinds of surgeries.
- Potential negative results. Every type of surgery has drawbacks, and surgical weigh loss is no different. Some of the more common types of negative results, risks, and side effects includes vomiting, nutritional deficiencies, temporary avoidance of pregnancy, dizziness, gallstones, and so on. You will want to talk about the full potential negative results with your doctor, and understand them, prior to beginning your surgery.
There is one last important fact about surgical weight loss that you need to think about before you make your decision. That fact is that this is a type of surgery. Granted, it is one that is becoming more and more popular and routine as time goes by, but it is still a surgery. Every type of surgery comes with risks, so make sure that you are aware of that.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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