Slim-Fast Diet

Written by Emily McBride (last updated November 23, 2009)

Slim-Fast, started by S. Daniel Abraham, has been around since the late 1970s, and has been tested by hundreds of people. Slim-Fast commercials, ads, and products can be found everywhere. But, what exactly is the Slim-Fast diet, and does it work?

The Slim-Fast diet first started with the idea that you have a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and then a healthy meal for dinner. Now that they have expanded their line to include more products, they have snack bars available, and meal-replacement bars are also options for meals instead of the normal shake. If you follow the diet, you will be consuming about 1200–1500 calories a day. The Slim-Fast diet advises that losing 1–2 pounds a week is most ideal.

The Slim-Fast weight loss plan has four key parts to it that helps you to lose weight: portion control, sensible eating, regular exercise, and support. These are essential ways to lose weight and live a healthy life, not matter what diet you are following.

Slim-Fast claims to help you lose weight and keep it off for three reasons:

  • "Helps you reduce your calorie intake through portion control."
  • "Provides balanced nutrition, including essential vitamins and minerals."
  • "Can be mixed and matched with your favorite foods, so you won't get tired of eating the same old thing."

There are five types of Slim-Fast products: Original, Optima, Low Carb, High Protein, and Easy-to-Digest (lactose and gluten-free). The Optima brand is most popular and includes a larger line of products. It focuses on staying satisfied for longer periods of time. Although Slim-Fast first only sold shakes, the company now produces protein bars, snack bars, meal-replacement bars, and drink powders as well. The drink powder is mixed with 8 ounces of skim milk to create the drink. The pre-made shakes come in five flavors: Creamy Milk Chocolate, French Vanilla, Rich Chocolate Royale, Cappuccino Delight, and Strawberries N' Cream. The powders come in four flavors: Milk Chocolate, French Vanilla, Chocolate Royale, and Strawberries Supreme.

As with most diets, there has been quite a bit of controversy regarding Slim-Fast. Some claim that it helps them to learn portion control, which helps them lose weight. Others claim that the meals get repetitive and boring, the shakes don't satisfy their hunger, and they aren't getting enough calories in the day by following the plan. It is advisable to speak to your doctor before starting any weight-loss plan.

Author Bio

Emily McBride

A senior majoring in English and editing at BYU, Emily hopes to enter the field of professional editing upon graduation. Emily has done humanitarian work in Africa and studied in London. She enjoys blogging, foreign films, and playing the piano. ...


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