
Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can be a frightening experience. While some forms of cancer can be deadly, there are many options that are effective in treating this disease. Education is an important component of early detection and successful treatment.

The tips in this section are all about cancer. You'll find information about recognizing the signs of prostate cancer. There are also tips about reducing the risks of developing lung cancer.

Tips, Tricks, and Answers

The following articles are available for the 'Cancer' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

   Reducing Risks of Lung Cancer
There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of lung cancer. Many of the personal lifestyle changes you may need to make to reduce your risk are easy and yield wonderful health benefits.

   Signs of Prostate Cancer
It is important for men to recognize early signs of prostate cancer. If prostate cancer is caught in its early stages, full recovery is common.