Every parent wants happy and healthy kids. Children's health includes a variety of topics from childhood obesity to eating healthy snacks and meals.
One condition that many children deal with is asthma. The tips in this section will help you and your child understand asthma and how to deal with this condition.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Children' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Asthma in Children
Asthma currently affects more than 8 million children in the U.S. Since many young children aren't able to understand what is happening to them when asthma symptoms or attacks occur, it is the responsibility of their parents or guardians to help them treat their asthma, and to try and prevent attacks from occurring in the future.
Helping Children with Asthma
Properly educating children with asthma will help them to understand the necessary steps they must take to protect themselves if they have an asthma attack. Children should also be educated regarding the nature of the illness so they can explain it to their friends and feel normal.
How to Stop Bedwetting
Bedwetting is not only an embarrassing event for children, it also means an increase in chores and cleaning time. If you and your child are interested in learning how to stop bedwetting, then never fear. Here are a few methods that you can use to help your child remain dry throughout the night.
Removing Head Lice
Every child is checked for head lice periodically when they are at school, and frankly it can be a bit embarrassing to have them found. Removing head lice isn't that difficult. All you need to do is use one of these methods, and you will get the job done relatively easily.
Teaching Children to Eat Healthy
Kids want things that taste good but not always things that are good for them. Take small steps toward changing negative eating habits in your family.
Treating a Choking Child
A choking child is a terrifying event. Not only is the child scared witless, but often the caregiver is as well. By following these simple steps, you can now handle this horrifying event with a calm and confident manner.
What is Childhood Asthma?
If your child exhibits symptoms of asthma they may in fact have childhood asthma. Although asthma is incurable there are a variety of ways to control it.
Will My Child Grow Out of Asthma?
If your child has recently been diagnosed with asthma, you may be wondering whether they will ever recover from it. Science and studies indicate that although asthma is incurable there are a variety of treatment options available.
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