For most women, pregnancy is an exciting time. Bringing a new baby into the world requires a lot of planning and preparation. It's also an important time for the mom-to-be to take extra special care of herself so that her baby can be as healthy as possible.
This section of tips has information about the different stages of pregnancy. You'll find answers to the questions that you have about pregnancy signs, home pregnancy tests, what to expect while you are pregnant, and how to stay healthy so that your baby stays healthy. In addition, there is information here about pregnancy complications and postpartum depression.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Pregnancy' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Home Pregnancy Tests
If you suspect that you may be pregnant you may feel overwhelmed by the number of home pregnancy tests on the market. Knowing which ones are most accurate will help you make the right decision.
How Do I Know if I Am Pregnant?
Whether you are trying to get pregnant or not, it is important to be aware of symptoms that indicate that you are pregnant. Paying careful attention to your own body will help you in determining whether or not you are pregnant.
How Do I Know When My Baby Will Be Born?
Knowing your baby's due date aids you in preparing your home and family for their arrival. Due dates are an estimation, so it is equally important to understand what to do if your baby is early or late.
Protecting the Unborn Baby's Health
It is important for expectant mothers to be aware of their unborn baby's health. There are a variety of things mothers can do to protect their baby.
Recognizing Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a serious illness that can impact the health of a new mother and her child. Recognizing the symptoms of postpartum depression could mean the difference between life and death. Depression is different from feeling "blue." The symptoms of feeling sad, hopeless and overwhelmed last for at least two weeks and are accompanied by thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby. You should take these symptoms seriously and get help from a healthcare provider.
Reducing Stretch Marks
Many women notice stretch marks after they have delivered their baby. Stretch marks can be embarrassing and negatively effect self image, but there are options for reducing their appearance.
Reversing a Vasectomy
There are about 30,000 to 40,000 men in the U.S. every year who decide to reverse their vasectomies in an effort to have more children. The most common reasons are remarriage, when the man remarries a women with no children of her own, the death of a child or a change in economic circumstances. The surgery, though technically challenging, is an outpatient procedure that does not require a hospital stay.
Top Five Complications during Pregnancy
Many women experience anxiety during pregnancy because of the variety of risks and complications that present themselves. Being educated about pregnancy complications will help you to avoid tragedy and and reduce your anxiety.
What is an Ectopic Pregnancy?
Ectopic pregnancies are frequent occurrences that can cause harm to you and your growing baby. Learning what an ectopic pregnancies and practicing risk reducing practices you may stop this from occurring.
What to Expect in the First Trimester
Pregnancy can be relatively frightening if you do not know what to expect. Even though all pregnancies are different, there are a few basic things to expect in the first trimester.
What to Expect in the Second Trimester
During the second trimester you may begin to feel anxious for your baby to come and more concerned for your personal health and that of your baby. Knowing what to expect during the second trimester will help ease your fears and help you maintain good health and a good attitude.
What to Expect in the Third Trimester
The end is near as you enter your third trimester and many women wonder what this last party of their journey entails. Knowing the basics will help ease your anxiety and stay healthy.
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