Women's Health
The makeup of a woman's body makes her healthcare needs unique. While it might be intimidating to visit an ob gyn, women need to make this a priority so that many problems, including breast and cervical cancer, can be detected early.
This section of tips is all about the specific needs of women. You'll find some great information to help you know what to expect when visiting your doctor from a pap smear to a mammogram. There are also some tips about dealing with the various aspects of menopause and how to take care of a yeast infection.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Women's Health' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Curing a Yeast Infection
Yeast infections are one of women's most common health problems. Curing a yeast infection is simple and can be accomplished within your own home.
Dealing with Hot Flashes
Every woman dreads the arrival of menopause and hot flashes. However, it is possible to cope with hot flashes and continue leading a normal life.
Getting a Tubal Ligation
Considering "getting your tubes tied"? Here's what you need to know before you take that big leap.
Help with Hot Flashes
Have you ever been going about your business, when all the sudden you felt like you were being set on fire from the inside out? If so, you've experienced a hot flash. Hot flashes are a symptom usually associated with women as they enter into menopause. This article provides tips and tricks for dealing with this pesky sensation.
Menopause and Sex
Because menopause completely changes the levels of hormones in a woman's body, it makes sense that the desire for sex will change as well. However, your sex life doesn't have to come to a halt as soon as your ability to have babies does.
Menopause Symptoms
You've probably heard of or experienced some of the dreaded symptoms of menopause, but what exactly are they? Read on for more information about menopause symptoms.
Natural Treatments for Menopause
Though menopause is a natural part of a woman's life, its symptoms are almost impossible to ignore. Thankfully, there are natural treatment methods that can be used by women as they go through menopause.
Treating Female Hair Loss
Since the beginning of time, a woman's hair has been hailed as her crowning glory. Most times, women define who they are as far as their beauty and appeal are concerned. It is little wonder that female hair loss can be upsetting. Treating female hair loss begins with a visit to your doctor to discuss your overall health, and to decide a course of action.
Understanding Early Onset Menopause
Early menopause may occur in women under age 40 without warning and can be very traumatic because it signals the loss of fertility during their reproductive years.
What is a Pap Smear?
The phrase "pap smear" is commonly used among women and doctors but can be confusing. Understanding the term and the method behind it can help you to clear up any myths and stay healthy.
What to Expect in a Mammogram
Mammograms help women detect breast cancer it in its early stages of development. Understanding what to expect from a mammogram can make the experience less daunting.
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